When Integral Yoga meets the practice inspired by Vanda Scaravelli.
Integral Yoga is a system created by Sri Swami Satchidananda which integrates various aspects of Yoga (Hatha, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, Raja, Japa) with the aim of guiding the individual to complete a harmonious development. Strong and healthy body; senses under control; clear and calm mind; sharp intellect; strong will; heart full of love; ego pure as a crystal; life full of peace.
The work of Vanda Scaravelli, a direct student of B.K.S Iyengar and Desikachar and a great friend of Krishnamurti, instead pays attention to the gravity from which immense lightness arises. You don’t do it, but you create the conditions for something to happen. Not only we align the body but we connect. It’s not about doing, but about “being” effortlessly, remaining in the wave of breathing, with joy, with availability, and with the ability to recreate yourself every time.
Can these two modes of practice meet?
In these preactices, starting from the basic lesson of Integral Yoga, we will explore asanas, mudras, bandhas and pranayama in an experiential and unpredictable way, also through somatic works, so as to make the repetition of the series an opportunity to penetrate the present and enrich its presence, rather a mechanical and performative habit to be repeated.
Repetition becomes seed, while attention and keeping a beginner mentality becomes water that nourishes.
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